Posts Tagged: NCTV17 Naperville Community Television

NCTV17 Naperville’s Loaves & Fishes wraps up 40th anniversary with commemorative display

Naperville’s Loaves & Fishes wraps up 40th anniversary with commemorative display  

NCTV17, Janet Derrick reflects on her career as she retires from Loaves & Fishes

Janet Derrick reflects on her career as she retires from Loaves and Fishes Community Services

NCTV17 Spotlight Interview, Loaves & Fishes Community Services Celebrates 40 Years

Celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year, Loaves & Fishes Community Services remains a beacon of hope for 8,000-9,000 individuals each week by providing healthy food and impactful programs to promote self-sufficiency. As the largest food pantry in Illinois, its impact resonates far and wide.

Loaves & Fishes Naperville Building Named to Honor Late Frank J. Rus and Donald S. Toy

Loaves & Fishes renames Naperville flagship building in honor of donors Loaves & Fishes flagship Naperville building named to honor late Frank J. Rus and Donald S. Toy   Loaves & Fishes: Name to flagship building

NCTV17, Spotlight Interview 2023

Loaves & Fishes Community Services supports struggling families  

Loaves & Fishes steps up to the plate amidst food price inflation


NCTV17, Ribbon Cutting at Loaves & Fishes’ New Distribution Facility in Aurora

Ribbon Cutting 77

NCTV17, Spotlight, Feb. 1 2021


Mike Havala, CEO and President was a guest on NCTV17 Spotlight.  Take a look at his interview below.

NCTV 17, Loaves & Fishes Buys New Warehouse to Serve as Hub


January 11, 2021 NCTV 17 Loaves & Fishes Buys New Warehouse to Serve as Hub

NVTV17 Spotlight Special Edition: Impact of COVID-19 on Naperville Nonprofits.