November 23rd, 2014
Hunger Facts, Programs
action, affordable foods, america, american, american diet, anti poverty, anti-hunger, budget, center, chicago, director of nutrition and wellness, DuPage, eat, eats, Fishes, food, food deprivation, food promotion, food research, FRAC, health, health care, healthy, healthy living, limited budget, Loaves, Loaves and Fishes, low income, MyPlate, Naperville, national geographic, nutrition, obesity, overeating, physical activity, poverty, stress, wellness, what's in your wallet?
National Geographic gives us a wonderful view of the world from the 50,000 feet perspective, and consumption patterns described here are particularly interesting. The diagrams are a startling depiction of what everybody has suspected for some time now: we are eating far too many foods containing fats and sugars. If that is true in most… Read more »