You have made it to the leadership level of our volunteer ranks!
Basic overview of Loaves & Fishes
Now that you know all about our mission, let’s explore the volunteers’ roles at Loaves & Fishes. Click here to review the Volunteer Handbook, and click here to find the listing of our clients’ rights and responsibilities. Please note, if you have an incident while volunteering, we ask that you fill out this incident record and submit it to a staff member. A happy crew is a supportive crew, so we ask that everyone be respectful to each other to create the best environment possible. Let’s take a closer look at volunteer operations…
To review the Loaves & Fishes Emergency Action Plan in its entirety, please click here. You can also find the Illinois Department of Human Service Emergency Food Program Guidelines by clicking here, and the USDA Food Product Dating information by clicking here.
You now have the background information you need to be an incredible leader. Next, we will review specific leader roles at Loaves & Fishes…